

I. 通用标准

A. 实习承担学分要求有较强的学术中心,一套 组织原则可以培养一种特殊的思维纪律. 中央 question is the value 火博体育实习 experience to higher education in a liberal 艺术与科学背景. 主要从事文书工作的实习不符合条件 获得学分.

B. In addition to assigned coursework, 实习s must meet minimum contact hour requirements 按以下比例. 参考学院目录看看有多少学分 your sponsoring academic department has approved for a 299 or 399-level 实习s:

  • 1 semester hour of credit: no fewer than 45 contact hours and no fewer than 5 weeks 持续时间
  • 2 semester hours of credit: no fewer than 90 contact hours and no fewer than 5 weeks 持续时间 
  • 3 semester hours of credit: no fewer than 135 contact hours and no fewer than 5 weeks 持续时间
  • 4 semester hours of credit: no fewer than 180 contact hours and no fewer than 6 weeks 持续时间 

C. The amount of additional academic work assigned by the Faculty sponsor should commensurate 加上实习的学时数.

D. The student's background preparation (formal course work, reading, research, co-curricular 对于299和399来说,经验(工作或其他实习)尤为重要 Professional 实习s and plays a less important role in IN-100 Exploration 实习s.

E. Students proposing an 实习 must be in good academic standing, which is defined 为了这个目的作为一个2.总绩点在00分或以上,而且没有留校察看.

F. 申请实习学分的Student必须提交详尽、准确和清晰的材料 对政府的建议 Student教务处 在规定的期限内完成. 逾期申请概不受理. As with any course, a late drop or withdrawal will require approval from the Faculty 主办机构及学术地位委员会. 火博体育不会追溯批准 credit for 经历 that were undertaken without the formal sponsorship and guidance of a Skidmore Faculty member and without a completed 实习 application submitted 之前 实习的开始. Student也有责任提供 实习协议复印件,提交给学院赞助人和现场主管.

G. 费用提醒一下,由于这是一门有学分的课程,Student需要付费 学年期间的常规申请和学费. 每个暑期实习学分将收取333美元. Consult the Office of Special Programs for information on any additional summer 术语 收费及指引.

H. 实习s should, whenever possible, involve the student in some expository writing 除了写日记,通常还包括一篇研究论文. 其他材料 在实习结束时提交给教员担保人的文件可能包括 适当性质的组合或项目.

I. 最大值为 十二个 semester hours of 实习 credit may be counted toward the student's degree program. 所有399个实习都符合火博体育大学的“成熟度”要求,299个实习则符合 399 实习s (but not IN-100) may count for "liberal arts" credit only as indicated 在目录中. 实习学分可以计入专业或辅修学分 在每个院系和课程描述下的目录中都有这样的说明吗. 实习 credits are offered on a graded (A-F) or Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory (S/U) basis as 由赞助部门或项目确定并在目录中注明.

J. 实习不得由Student的直系亲属监督. 一个人不能同时担任Faculty担保人和现场主管.

K. 在美国以外的地方实习: For 实习 credit while studying abroad, consult with the Office of Off-Campus 学习与交流(OCSE). 任何在校外获得实习学分的建议 必须在Student所在的国家参加一个项目 完成实习. Student可以要求将学分转回 ,火博体育. Student应该有一个Faculty赞助或学术机构 他们完成实习的国家.

II. Student责任及指引



2)与可能赞助实习的教员讨论计划. Faculty sponsor for an Exploration 实习 (IN-100) may be in any department or program, but the sponsor for a Professional 实习 (299, 399) must be a member of the department 或提供实习课程的项目.

3) 联系 a prospective on-site supervisor and, with the help of the Faculty sponsor and the on-site supervisor, design a proposal (must be typed) that will promote direct 参与实习的职业、创意或研究领域.


5)提交申请表格; 所有的批准签名 和支持文件,以 Student教务处 不得迟于规定的截止日期.

6) The student must make and retain a copy of the proposal and provide a copy to the Faculty赞助商和现场主管.

B. 实习职责:

1)Student应认真履行本合同规定的各项责任 的实习 proposal and expected of a motivated intern and serious college student. 在履行这些责任方面的重大失误可能导致终止 实习和/或学业失败.

2) The student should keep a detailed record of goals, responsibilities, and accomplishments 实习期间.

3) On a regular basis, the student should discuss his or her progress and performance 与现场主管合作.

4)Student应通过电话、信件和其他方式与学院保荐人保持联系。 或者亲自去. 与担保人的联系必须包括Student的书面中间点 实习评估.

C. 实习后职责:

1) Present the 术语 paper, project, exhibit, or other materials to the Faculty sponsor 对实习进行讨论和评价. Student必须满足预先设定的条件 提交所有所需材料的截止日期.

2) The student must remind the on-site supervisor to write an evaluation of the intern 实习结束后提交给学院担保人. 现场 supervisor’s evaluation of the intern is an important component of the Faculty member’s 对项目的学分评估.

3. Faculty赞助人的责任

自教研室负责主办单位的整体质量和评价 火博体育实习 experience is a time-consuming commitment, no Faculty member engaged 在全日制教学中,可以在一个学术单位赞助五个以上的实习 术语. 超出这个最大工作量必须得到副院长的批准 学院院长.

A. 教员保荐人应具有当前或以前的专业或工作资格 experience, or by department or program affiliation,指导和评价 实习 活动.

B. 学院保荐人应准备履行以下职责:

  • To judge the proposed 实习 for its learning objectives, methods, and evaluation 文科背景下高等教育学分标准.
  • To consult with the prospective on-site supervisor concerning their mutual interests 对Student的监督和指导. 电话、电子邮件或信件往来 during the placement period are encouraged to achieve effective contact between the 现场主管和Faculty赞助人.
  • To assist the student in drawing up a reading list of materials pertinent to the proposed 实习.
  • To supervise and approve the formal 实习 proposal, which the student then submits either to the Department Chairperson or Program Director (for 299 or 399 实习s) 或学院副院长(IN-100探索实习).
  • 在课程中与现场主管和Student实习生进行沟通 火博体育实习.
  • To evaluate and grade the student's 实习 experience, taking into consideration the on-site supervisor's evaluation (the form is given to the on-site supervisor by Student实习),Student对实习经历的书面和口头评价, 以及Student的论文或项目. 担保人必须提交S/U或字母等级(根据) 到个别部门或项目政策)到注册主任办公室 为适当的学习期限确定最后期限.
  • To provide the Associate 学院院长, upon request, with a brief written assessment of the success and educational value 火博体育实习 (the Associate Dean is responsible for the overall quality of the program and, in partnership with the Career Development 中心,培养实习资源). 副院长将定期报告 课程委员会及教育政策及规划委员会委员 火博体育实习学术质量的相关问题.               
IV. 给现场主管的指导方针

A. 现场监督员必须具有专业经验和资格 所属单位、工作状况、专业证书等.,指导和评价 实习活动. Student的父母或直系亲属不能 担任现场主管.

B. 要求现场主管达到以下要求:

  • To consult with the student applicant and the Faculty sponsor concerning their expectations 和计划.
  • 审核Student计划书上对实习内容的描述,以及 submit a letter detailing the student’s duties, in time for the student to meet proposal 最后期限. 请注意,现场主管的信必须附在 实习建议书,或发邮件至 特里马里安尼.
  • 为Student提供适当的专业指导和指导 的实习.
  • To ensure that 的实习 closely matches the agreed upon activities and learning 经历. 与已批准计划的重大偏离必须由教员审查 赞助(在in -100探索实习项目中,由副院长赞助) 学院院长.
  • 在实习结束时写一份对实习生的评估并提交 这是给教职员赞助人的评估. 现场主管的评价 实习是Faculty评估项目的重要组成部分 获得学分.

C. 现场 supervisor is not responsible for providing housing for or remuneration 给Student实习生. 实习Student仍然对他或她的将军负责 福利、健康和生活费用. 然而,实习可能会变成一份带薪的工作 如果主管有此要求的话.

Endorsed by the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning, Spring 2007 (rev 10/18)

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